
Mr. crainer crundee craft 23
Mr. crainer crundee craft 23

mr. crainer crundee craft 23

Added ILootTableMaster, LootTableMaster2, LootTableShell, LootPoolShell.Updated PokehaanCraftAdditions-1.12.2-1.5.0 Fixed Epic loot table to pull from the correct pools.


Removed the mod “InitialInventory-3.0.0” as the checklist mod now spawns the book automatic on first join.Added a challenge to craft the new “Kehaan Pet”.The illuminati pet also had a cooldown bug sometimes, which this new pet should hopefully not have. The illuminati was too cheap to use, so with this new mod i am able to make the food a little more expensive. If you have the illuminati pet you can change it into the new one with a shapeless recipe that have been added too. I have also disabled the Illuminati Pet, as we have added a “Kehaan Pet”. And also made one that if you already have the “old” one, you can shapeless recipe into the new one. So i have fixed the chisel recipe to give the new one.


This update adds a new “pixelmon Chisel” that works without being opped.

  • Clamp exhaustion to stop it from drawing outside the hunger bar in some situations ( #66).
  • Food overlay now works for food in off hand ( #65).
  • Updated the “Kehaan Farming Valley Resourcepack”
  • Added new checklist task (Optional ones to support follow me on socialmedia).
  • You can now buy the Task Table (From Checklist mod) at Cloe in the Townhall.
  • Changed simpleachievement shop items to checklist shopitems, as Simpleachivement mod was removed.
  • Changed the name of all the music disc, so they now tells you what is the name of the song they are playing.
  • These can be brought at Tomas in the Church

    mr. crainer crundee craft 23

  • Added 5 new music disc with new music from Stardew Valley.
  • It also adds new music disc, with new music from Stardew Valley. Checklist mod just let me do a lot of other things, like adding new challenges to it, without the user having to use a command to see them. Don’t worry, all your completed task, will transfer over automatic. This update removes the SimpleAchivement mod (The one that gives you the book with challenges) BUT it adds Checklist mod. If you record/stream this pack, please leave a link back to this page and or my twitter. The pack is using “Pixelmon Reforged” check out their site at: This pack is using the newest version of Pixelmon.


    There is multiple tech mods in this pack, but also a book with challenges for you to complete. But now it is back, with a new name and lots of new content. This pack is a updated version of “Pokemon Craft” which Crainer and SSundee played. In this modpack, using the mod Pixelmon, you will also be able to find Pokestops, just like in Pokemon Go. This modpack is centered around the game Pokemon and the mobilegame Pokemon Go. The description from the normal version of the pack, also fits this one:

    mr. crainer crundee craft 23

    This pack should run fine with as low as 2gb ram, but as always 4gb ram as minimum is recommended. I recommend that you first try and run the normal pack, and if it is too laggy for you, then you can try this one. This one have less mods in it, which should make it run on older computers, much better than the normal version of the pack. This version of “Pokehaan Craft” is a light version, of the normal version. Pokehaan Craft – Lite (Pokéhaan Craft – Lite) (MC 1.12.2) – by Kehaan Fixed apple loot entry pointing to bread in common loot table.

    mr. crainer crundee craft 23

    Added Wither Chest Registry to help prevent trees generating too close together.Fixed Cyrstal Skull Chest not generating.Each variant can now have its own unique minY/maxY. Move config settings for minY & maxY from main config file to variants.json file.Added support for using more modded blocks in the variants.json file, including Quark.Updated BetterMineshaftsForge-1.12.2-2.2.1 Fixed conflict with Ice and Fire’s Wyrmroost Butterfly Leviathan and Cloud pet lightning (credit: Jacboy567).Fixed update prompt to alert correct text with with correct version.Fixed issue where Cloud Pet was causing flight to disable when held in regular inventory (credit: JT122506).Fixed bug where certain sounds like Dubstep and PacMan were heard server wide (credit: Futi63).Reduced overall damage boost from Cloud Pet.Petrifier now works on Mooshroom (credit: skwii69).Fixed Illuminati Pet timer (once again), so that it works properly across dimensions or when changing world time (credit: JT122506).Backported 1.0.3 from 1.14.4 which in itself is a backport of 1.0.3 from 1.15.2 which is a backport of 1.0.3 from 1.16.x.Upgraded from ForgeGradle 2.3 to ForgeGradle 3.x.The book now remember which page you closed it at.

    Mr. crainer crundee craft 23